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The Kappe residence is an ideal example of a ‘great building’ as defined by Kahn’s quote.
The talent, the naivete, the ambition, the desire to create an enriching family environment are a few of the immeasurables that began this building.
The measurables are depicted in the drawings.
Some resulting immeasurables are:
Happiness - The happy social gatherings and memories curated by this space
Fearlessness - The effect its fearlessness has had on its occupants
Legacy - The embodiment of one person, and his family’s, life as a work of architecture
Kindness - The effect the respectfulness of the building has towards its neighborhood
Beauty - The patterns of light created by its masterful arrangement of space
Respectfulness - It teaches us to be respectful of its neighbors and to tiptoe on the site
The measurable and the immeasurable combine in the Kappe home to synergistically create an experience of awe.
Kappe Residence Case Study
In conclusion
East Los Angeles College - Architectural Design 201: Design Studio I
Professor Orhan Ayyuce - Fall 2021 / Year 2, Semester 1
My complexity comes in section,
not from the plan. ~ Ray Kappe 2014
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