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AWE I Bkgd.jpg

Museum of Emotions competition brief: Design a museum that includes two separate spaces that bring out contrasting emotions – one inducing negative emotions, and the other inducing positive emotions


Use architecture as the primary tool to create an emotional state, in this case “awe,” through consideration of the scales of the spaces, the journey through the space, colour, lighting, and material choice

Project Description


Design Objective


Concept Development



urbanAWE [Museum of Emotions Competition]     

East Los Angeles College - Architectural Design 385: Directed Study
Professor Orhan Ayyuce - Winter 2022 | Year 2, Semester 1.5

AWE = an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful


[what inspires] AWE:     

  views [esp. of los angeles/

    natural environment juxtaposed

    with built environment]     








AWE [looks like]:     










[LA River =

brutalism |

concrete sculpture]


[NancyRubins’| exploding gravity-defying massive]

[parasitic architecture]

[LA love]

[bird of paradise] official flower of City of Los Angeles

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